radKIDS® in Elementary Education
The radKIDS® Personal Empowerment Safety Education is not a program, it is a developmental curriculum that meets or exceeds educational requirements and standards in Elementary Physical Education and Health Curriculum in all 50 states.
This hands-on activity-based curriculum is unlike any other educational model available today. Empowering children with what they can do instead of what they cannot. radKIDS® is an inside out safety approach that creates safer school climates while enhancing the safety and wellness of the entire school culture.
If you knew there was a developmental curriculum available today that could help a child enhance their self-value and self-worth, establish their personal boundaries and increase their critical thinking skills and abilities, would you teach it?
What if that curriculum at the same time was able to enhance the student’s personal safety skills not only in school, but in their daily lives.
Why radKIDS® in Your School?
The National Leader in Bullying Prevention
- Sharing the only developmental curriculum in the nation that teaches, trains, and empowers a child when necessary to STOP a Bully.
- 85% of the time bullying within the school’s culture is not reported or witnessed by the adults and leadership within the school. 11% of the Time Children stand up for other children and only 4% of the time do adults actually intervene at the time of the bullying. Is it not time to give our children the permission, context, and skill they need to STOP the bullying and victimization occurring daily in our schools?
A National Leader in the creation of Safer School Culture and Climates :
- Including the creation of Zero Victimization Schools to replace the failures seen in Zero Tolerance Practices of the past.
- radKIDS® has developed safer schools with this Zero Victimization Policy and Practice. It has shown great success in overall school safety and wellness including; an increase in attendance, a dramatic decrease in bullying and personal conflict which is expected to create greater academic achievement in time as well.
We are excited to announce and share with all of you radKIDS® recent success. This program evaluation of the radKIDS® Youth Personal Empowerment Safety Education Program was published in the Journal of Child + Adolescent Trauma (springer.com).
Together we continue to make a difference one child at a time.