radKIDS® is an organization of adults that want to help make sure ALL children are safe. The people who are part of radKIDS® are working every day to see to it that every child in every community and town learns how to protect themselves. There could even be a radKIDS® program already in your town!! radKIDS® programs are all across America and Canada. Our mission is for every kid to be a radKID!
Check out our resources below for kids and parents!
What does radKIDS® teach?
radKIDS® teaches you all kinds of cool things, like what you can do to be safe from fires, or how to be safe when you’re out shopping, even what to do if a strange dog scares you, How to “STOP” a bully. radKIDS® teaches *lots* of cool stuff!
Who are radKIDS®?
radKIDS® are cool kids that never let anyone hurt them. radKIDS® Know More!
radKIDS® know that they are special and absolutely worth protecting.
radKIDS® know that you can’t have somebody with you all the time to protect you, so the best way for you to be safe is to be able to protect yourself!
What do radKIDS® do?
radKIDS® always have a radKIDS® plans for situations that may put them in danger!
radKIDS® know what to do, and how to get help fast. They also know how to protect themselves and they know if anyone tries to hurt them it is not their fault.
How do I become a radKID?
You’re already on your way to becoming a radKID!